You're welcome, by the way.

You've got food, shelter, everything you need.

I could use your help with something, though...

I'm just kiddin'. See that cave over there?

Rumor has it there's some amazing treasure inside!

I'm just gonna take control of your legs real quick and head in there.

It looks a little spooky in here, but we're almost there, I promise!

Just a wee bit farther, no I'm not up to anything sneaky, why would I be up to anything sneaky?

There it is! The legendary treasure!

How exciting, what sort of riches will we discover?


A long time ago, in a
galaxy far, far away...

Uhhh ok I guess
I really don't have a choice at this point
Look inside

F*ck yeah, fried chicken!

wait a second, something isn't right here...